Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Back and pissed off

Im back with my fisheye 2.
Thats some of the pictures from malaysia/pontian/austin hills country club.
Fisheye is a great servant.
I hope it will always be.
Da Vinci Photoshop is not.
No its not those adobe photoshops.
Its those places where you get your photos to be printed kinda place.
Its at sembawang.
I figured that its nearer than Triple D which is all the way at Bugis.
So off i went with my roll of film containing pics from Zoo.
First things first.
Its expensive like fucking.
But Nevermind since its near, logically i wont need to pay for food and stuff
which will end up to be more than the amount if i went to Sembawang.
So i tried.
And Fucking shit.
The pictures turned out half moon.
Its like they don't know how to cut the pics.
Half of my pic is in another pic.
I went berserk!
Imagine Bush getting bombed by Obama.
Thats how berserk i went.
(K i don't really know how it links but the idea was there)
I was mad and still am.
So now no matter how tired or broke I am,
I will still make my way to Bugis to develop my films
Its cheap and good
Like Mum's cooking.
Oh and the pictures up there were developed at Bugis.
Nice huh?
I know it is.



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